Priests in France: “traditionalists” in communion with Francis are growing

Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) beside being in perfect communion with Pope Francis, legitimately prefers the old liturgy in Latin.


When the progressivist priest Panikkar asked for forgiveness

If you do not know Raimundo Panikkar, then this story will be new for you. If, instead, you know who he is, it will be a novelty anyway, because no-one – but really no-one – reports how the earthly path of this icon of the post-1968 progressivism ended.


Msgr. Lemaître, father of the Big Bang: he changed the mind of Albert Einstein

Three were the main public contacts between Lemaître and Einstein, in which the Belgian Jesuit converted the father of relativity to the theory of the birth and of the continuous expansion of the Universe.


«The churches’ bells are most beautiful». Dawkins surprises again

He was to appreciate the «most beautiful» bells of the Christian churches, by having himself photographed just a few meters from Winchester Cathedral. Who knows whether in a few months he will decide to cross its threshold and take a look at the inside…


How not to lose faith? How to transform it from feeling to certainty?

The answer to doubt, therefore, is to belong actively, consciously, reasonably, and joyfully to the Christian people: this is the antidote to a sentimental and emotional faith, in the grips of doubt and secularisation.


The Economist (pro Obama) supports Trump: no to gender self-identification

The Economist, gender, and Trump. After the decision by the American president to abolish gender and to link sex to […]


Sexual abuses: President of American atheists accused

Even David Silverman, President of  American Atheists  – the main secularist organisation in the USA –, has been removed from his charge after believable complaints of sexual assault.


A.R. Wallace discovered biological evolution: «It is guided by a Mind»

The book Nature’s Prophet (University Alabama Press 2018), dedicated to Alfred Russel Wallace, was published some days ago. The author, Michael A. Flannery, science historian at the University of Alabama di Birmingham has held that Wallace’s formulation of biological evolution was totally incompatible with Darwin’s. Indeed, his theory developed in a theological context. A theistic evolution, we may say.


Going to Mass also benefits mental health: a new study

The new data suggests a person’s religious involvement benefits their mental health by promoting social engagement providing psychological resources.


Msgr. Viganò condemned: he stole from his disabled brother while he scolded the Pope

Judgment against Msgr. Viganò. The Tribunal of Milan condemned Washington’s former Apostolic Nuncio to pay a maxi-compensation to his disabled brother, Fr. Lorenzo. The dark scolder of Pope Francis had just written that “The Lord will render to every one of us according to our actions”.

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