Italian Fields Medal, Enrico Bombieri: «who is Catholic and goes to Mass»

Enrico Bombieri, professor at Princeton University (USA), relased a beautiful interviein which the mathematician had the chance to reflect a lot on the relationship between science and metaphysics.


Nobel Prize W.D. Phillips and that God present «in my life and in the Universe»

Believers scientists. The example of Nobel prize in Physics, William D. Phillips. He denied a conflict between science and religion, teaching that evolution does not contradict the Bible. He talks about that Universe so ordered that it is impossibile that it came out from nothing.


«If science exists, this means that there’s a Logic», famous physicist said

Science & faith in the words of Antonino Zichichi, professor emeritus of Physics. His thinking recall to reflections of Albert Einstein and of the only italian living Nobel prize winner, the physicist Carlo Rubbia.


Genesis is not in contradiction with science

Interview with Vincenzo Balzani, an italian chemist.


Meissner, a physicist: «universal laws are a hint of God»

One of the greatest physicists in Europe.


Faith and Science

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