American Court: Chimpanzees may not be considered as human beings

The science shows that Chimpanzees haven’t self-consciousness and self-determination. Right from the beginning this deterioration has been used by the antitheist propaganda: to deny the religious offspring of every human being, they needed to reduce the human importance as a creature, denying his unicity and the huge difference from all the rest of the creation.


The “scandalous” religious conversion of Jean-Paul Sartre

The dark past of Jean-Paul Sartre, the theoretician of secular morality, and his religious conversion. He also repulsed Simone de Beauvoir, and she was the most shocked and horrified of them all in front of this.

INDEX Church, Pius XII, Jewish, nazism and fascism| |Christian roots| |Crusaders||The Galileo case||Giordano Bruno||The Middle Ages, the dark ages?| |Inquisition||Colonialism||Church and Francoism| |Cristianity, motor behind civilisation| |Ipazia||Myths about Christianity||Other religions|




Crusaders saved Europe from Islamic invasion (4/3/18) Major historians explain that the crusades and the intervent of Urban II were fortuitous.  



Flat Earth? Ius primae noctis? Falsity against Middle Ages (3/11/14) " alt="UCCR">

Faith & History (news archives)

    INDEX Church, Pius XII, Jewish, nazism and fascism| |Christian roots| |Crusaders||The Galileo case||Giordano Bruno||The Middle Ages, the dark […]


Flat Earth? Jus primae noctis? Falsehoods against Middle Ages

The historian Alexander Berber debunks some of the black legends against the Middle Ages, such as that in this century the people believe in a Flat Earth.


Feminism comes late: the Church has always defended the woman

The Church certainly did not have to wait feminism.


Can you admire Jesus without believing in his divinity?

He is either really a divine man or a crazy man.


Gospel of Mark is based on the eyewitness of St. Peter

New evidence will be presented by Richard Bauckham.


70% of american doctors are against the assisted suicide

The poll realized by “New England Journal of Medicine”.


Genesis is not in contradiction with science

Interview with Vincenzo Balzani, an italian chemist.


Meissner, a physicist: «universal laws are a hint of God»

One of the greatest physicists in Europe.

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